Privacy Policy pursuant to EU Regulation No. 2016/679 (“GDPR”)

Pursuant to section 12 of the GDPR, please be informed that we process your data in compliance with the rules thereof, and in particular with the following provisions.

Data Controller
Centro Studi Italiani Srl – Via Boscarini, 1 61049 Urbania (PU) is the Data Controller.

Data Provided by the Data Subject
We shall store any data provided voluntarily by you by paper or electronic means or through the website, including, but not limited to, your first name, surname, e-mail address and phone number.
We shall also store any cookies (please see the relevant section in this website).
If you are less than 16 years old, you shall not provide any personal data to us, and we shall not assume any liability whatsoever for any false statements rendered by you (if any). Should we found any statements to be untrue, we will immediately erase any personal data obtained therefrom.

Automatically Collected Data
The IT systems and software procedures needed for the proper operation of this website require the collection, during their ordinary operations, of certain personal data, the transmission of which is implied by the use of Internet communication protocols. Such information are not collected with reference to, and to be associated with, any identified data subjects, but, due to their nature, could allow the users to be identified as a consequence of their being processed and associated with certain data of third parties. This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the website, any URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to submit such requests to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters regarding the operating system and the user’s IT environment. These data shall be used only to obtain anonymous, statistical information regarding the use of the website and to verify whether the website is properly operated, and shall be erased immediately after the relevant processing. The data could be used to ascertain the liability for computer crimes (if any) committed against the website or any third parties: except for this case and unless otherwise required by the user, the web contact data are not currently stored permanently.
Please read the following section concerning the use of the cookies.

Purposes of the Processing
More specifically, your personal data shall be processed for the following purposes and on the following legal basis:
Without your previous consent for service purposes, and in particular:
– to perform the agreement and fulfil any pre-contractual undertakings
– to manage and maintain the websites
– to provide, manage and administer all the services required by you, also providing (if required) the relevant invoicing, communication and assistance services
– perform statistical, aggregate analysis on an anonymous basis
To pursue a legitimate interest of the Controller:
– to manage any claims and disputes, for credit recovery purposes, to prevent frauds and illegal activities
– to send commercial communications to the e-mail address provided by you (if you already are our client), with regard to services and products similar to those already obtained by you. Each e-mail sent to you shall allow you to refuse any further communications by clicking on the relevant link.
To fulfil any obligations set forth by the law
For marketing purposes, provided that you consent thereto and it is indicated in the website or in an e-mail.

Security and Modalities of Processing
The data shall be processed (i.e. collected, registered, stored and used) by analogical and digital modalities.
The data shall be collected in compliance with any security measures set forth by the GDPR, chosen by the Data Controller taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons.

Data Provision Nature
The provisions of the data is required exclusively to provide the services requested by you. Your refusing to provide such data shall make it impossible for us to perform the services requested.
When a person sends, at his/her discretion, intentionally and expressly, any e-mails to the addresses indicated in this website, the sender’s e-mail address (needed to reply to any request), as well as any other personal data indicated in such e-mails shall be captured in our IT systems. Any information provided by you shall not communicated to persons or entities not involved in the relevant processing.

Duration of Processing
The data shall be processed for the time required to perform the services requested by you.
In case of pre-contractual requests, such data shall be stored for a legitimate interest for not more than three years, and solely to complete the procedure required by you.
Any invoices, accounting documents and data concerning any transactions shall be stored according to the relevant provisions of the applicable laws (for an estimated duration of 10 years) plus an addition 12 month period for the closing of the relevant relationship.
Any data collected for marketing purposes shall be stored for not more than 12 months of the end of the relevant relationship.

Data Communication
Your data may be communicated to the sales persons, any employment consultants in charge of the accounting services, the technicians, the developers and the administrative staff specifically entrusted by us, as well as to any courts and government agencies and authorities, as required by the applicable laws.
The data collected from you shall not be assigned or sold to third parties.
Any data collected or stored by the website (if any), with the modalities specified above, shall not be transferred to any third parties, except for the data processed by Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google©”). Google Analytics uses cookies to ensure its operations, and any information generated by the cookies upon the users’ accessing the website are sent to Google and stored in Google servers located in the U.S.A. Google uses such information to track and review the use of the website, draft reports on the website activities and provide other services related to the website activities and the use of the Internet. Google shall also be entitled to transfer such information to third parties, if required by the law or should such third parties process such information on behalf of Google. Google shall not associate any IP addresses to any other data held by Google. You shall be entitled to refuse to use cookies by selecting the relevant setting(s) on your browser, although this could prevent you from using all the features of this website. By using this website you consent to the processing by Google of your personal data for the purposes and modalities indicated above. Should you need any further information on the use of your data and the relevant processing by Google, please read the relevant policy at:
Any data provided by e-mail o stored in the website database shall be captured in servers located in Europe.

Rights of the Data Subject

  • Access. The data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation that his/her personal data are currently processed and, in this case, to access such personal data and the following information:
    a. should such personal data have not been collected from the data subject, the relevant source;
    b. the purposes of the processing
    c. the categories of such personal data;
    d. the persons/entities, or the relevant categories, to which such personal data have been or shall be communicated,
    e. the storage period or the criteria based on which such period has been determined;
    f. whether there is an automated decision-making process or not (profiling).
  • Withdrawal. The data subject shall have the right to withdraw in any time his/her previously granted consent to the processing of his/her personal data.
  • Correction, Erasure, Restriction. The data subject shall have the right to obtain:
    a. that any inaccurate or incomplete personal data related to him/her are corrected or completed, as appropriate, without any undue delay;
    b. that any personal data related to him/her are deleted or removed without undue delay, without prejudice of any and all obligations set forth by the applicable laws;
    c. that the data processing is restricted should any of the conditions set forth by section 18 of the GDPR occur;
    d. the statement that the operations set forth in items [a-b-c] above have been acknowledged, also with regard to the relevant content, by the persons/entities to which such data have been communicated or divulged, unless the fulfilment of such obligation is impossible or requires a disproportioned effort compared to the right to be protected.
  • Objection. The data subject shall have the right to object, in whole or in part:
    a. for legitimate purposes, to the processing of any personal data concerning him/her, even if such data are relevant to the purposes of the collection thereof;
    b. to the processing of his/her personal data for the purposes of sending any advertising material, of direct marketing or of performing any market researches or commercial communications.
  • Portability. The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning him/her, provided actively and knowingly by him/her, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to another data controller without any hindrances.
  • Complaints. The data subject shall have the right to lodge a complaint with any competent data protection authority or to raise a legal action.

In order to exercise such rights, you should send a communication by registered letter with receipt of return addressed to our registered office, or a certified e-mail to: or an e-mail to:
The requests shall be filed free of charge and shall be processed as soon as possible, and anyway within one month.

Cookie policy

Con il presente documento il titolare del trattamento fornisce agli utenti del sito alcune informazioni relative ai cookie utilizzati.
Non è obbligatorio accettare i cookie al fine di visitare il sito.
Per accettare i cookie è sufficiente cliccare Accetto sul banner mostrato in ogni pagina del sito.
Chiudere la scheda del browser che ospita il sito senza fare nessuna di queste operazioni implica la non accettazione dei cookie.

Le pagine del sito ospitano:
– cookie tecnici, ovvero quelli necessari per non ripetere più volte l’avviso sui cookie,
– cookie di Google Analytics, che raccolgono dati aggregati a fini statistici per l’ottimizzazione del sito e per migliorare l’esperienza d’uso dei visitatori,
– cookie funzionali di Google Maps, usati da Google per fini statistici e per migliorare l’esperienza d’uso degli utenti,
– cookie funzionali di Google Recaptcha, usati da Google per bloccare lo spam nei moduli contatti.
I dati raccolti da Google Analytics sono già anonimizzati alla fonte, ovvero non viene tenuta traccia degli indirizzi IP completi dei visitatori, nemmeno in forma grezza.
I font utilizzati sul sito utilizzano le “API di Google” che, pur non memorizzando cookie, potrebbero conservare traccia sui server di Google della visita in maniera aggregata. Per i font si rimanda alla stessa privacy policy di Google linkata sotto.


I cookie sono piccoli file di testo che i siti visitati salvano sul tuo dispositivo per poi andarli a rileggerle durante la stessa sessione di visite o in visite successive.


I cookie si possono classificare in:

  • cookie tecnici
    garantiscono la normale navigazione e fruizione del sito web (permettendo, ad esempio, di realizzare un acquisto o autenticarsi per accedere ad aree riservate); anche i cookie analytics sono assimilati ai cookie tecnici laddove utilizzati direttamente dal gestore del sito per raccogliere informazioni, in forma aggregata, sul numero degli utenti e su come questi visitano il sito stesso; infine ci sono anche i cookie di funzionalità, che permettono all’utente la navigazione in funzione di una serie di criteri selezionati (ad esempio, la lingua, i prodotti selezionati per l’acquisto) al fine di migliorare il servizio reso allo stesso; per l’installazione di tali cookie non è richiesto il preventivo consenso degli utenti.
  • cookie funzionali
    sono utilizzati per il corretto funzionamento di un componente di terze parti e per raccogliere dati statistici
  • cookie di profilazione
    sono volti a creare profili relativi all’utente e vengono utilizzati al fine di inviare messaggi pubblicitari in linea con le preferenze manifestate dallo stesso nell’ambito della navigazione in rete; l’utente deve essere adeguatamente informato sull’uso degli stessi ed esprimere così il proprio valido consenso.

questo sito utilizza cookie di profilazione.

Un’altra classicazione possibile è quella tra

  • cookie di sessione
    cookie tecnici che vengono cancellati quando l’utente abbandona il sito
  • cookie temporanei o permanenti
    vengono cancellati automaticamente dopo un determinato periodo di tempo.

Infine possiamo ancora dividerli in

  • cookie propri
    sono installati dal sito stesso
  • cookie di terze parti

Per ulteriori approfondimenti si rimanda al sito del Garante della Privacy e al sito informativo sulla pubblicità comportamentale e la privacy online


wp-wpml_current_language Salvare le impostazioni della lingua Cookie tecnico 1 giorno Consenso non richiesto
gruppo cookie cmplz_* Salvare le scelte effettuate in merito ai cookie Cookie tecnico max 1 anno Consenso non richiesto
_ga Conta e traccia le visualizzazioni delle pagine Cookie statistico di terze parti (Google) 2 anni Consenso esplicito
_gid Conta e traccia le visualizzazioni delle pagine Cookie statistico di terze parti (Google) 1 giorno Consenso esplicito
_gat Filtra richieste dei bot Cookie statistico di terze parti (Google) 1 minuto Consenso esplicito
_grecaptcha Per distinguere tra umani e robot Cookie funzionale di terze parti (Google) persistente Consenso non richiesto
_GRECAPTCHA Per distinguere tra umani e robot Cookie funzionale di terze parti (Google) 180 giorni Consenso non richiesto
NID potrebbe essere impostato da Google durante la visualizzazione delle mappe Cookie funzionale di terze parti (Google) 6 mesi Consenso esplicito
rc::a Per distinguere tra umani e robot Cookie funzionale di terze parti (Google) persistente Consenso non richiesto
rc::b Per distinguere tra umani e robot Cookie funzionale di terze parti (Google) sessione Consenso non richiesto
rc::c Per distinguere tra umani e robot Cookie funzionale di terze parti (Google) sessione Consenso non richiesto

Google Analytics può memorizzare altri cookies: _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz, _utmv, che permettono a google di capire lo storico della navigazione dell’utente, ovvero se è alla sua prima visita in assoluto, se è tornato sul sito senza chiudere la finestra o dopo qualche tempo, e infine sulla sua provenienza.





  • Menù impostazioni (pulsante in alto a destra, di fianco alla barra degli indirizzi) > Impostazioni > Mostra Impostazioni Avanzate
  • Nella sezione “Privacy” click su bottone “Impostazioni contenuti”
  • Nella sezione “Cookie” modificare le impostazioni desiderate seguendo le istruzioni ufficiali su

Mozilla Firefox

  • Menù impostazioni (pulsante in alto a destra, di fianco alla barra degli indirizzi) > Opzioni
  • Nella sezione “Privacy” click su bottone “Impostazioni contenuti”
  • Nella sezione “Tracciamento” modificare le impostazioni desiderate seguendo le istruzioni ufficiali su
  • Nella sezione “Cronologia” modificare le impostazioni desiderate su “Utilizza impostazioni personalizzate” o rimuovere i singoli cookie.

Internet Explorer

Safari 6

Safari iOS mobile


Updated on 05/15/2023