We want to help make your trip to Marche unforgettable
— Get to know the region with our passionate and professional team
Urbania, Montefeltro, and Marche
MARCHEting is a tourist information and bookings agency in Urbania.
The company was founded and is promoted by Centro Studi Italiani, an Italian language and culture school for international students. The school has hosted tens of thousands of students from all over the world in Urbania since it opened its doors 40 years ago.
We want to offer our students and anyone who would like to explore Montefeltro and Marche information on additional tourist services they can enjoy in their free time.
We have created this online tourist booking platform and agency at Centro Studi Italiani in Urbania with the support of LAG Montefeltro Sviluppo PSL 2014-2020 – Sub-measure – funding for the start-up of non-agricultural business activities in rural areas.